Thursday, August 7, 2014


God's Wisdom

Solomon could have had any thing, but instead he asked for wisdom to rule the nation, so God approved of the way Solomon ordered his priorities. So God gave Solomon the wisdom he asked for. God, then further blessed Him with riches, wealth and honor. Jesus also spoke about priorities, He said that when we put God first, then and only then every thing that we really need will fall into place, but it is only God knows what is best for us.

Mathew 6:3) This does not guaranty that we will be wealthy and famous like Solomon, it just simply means that when we wisely put God first, the wisdom He gave us will enable usto live a rich and rewarding life! 
Proverbs4:7; Says, wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and in all our getting we must also get understanding. It is essential for us to have the wisdom of God, In order for us to live a meaningful and godly life. therefore, above every thing else we must seek the wisdom of God. God always give good gifts to His children, He offered to give Solomon what ever he ask, we too must ask good things of Him. For His desire is to give us the necessary provisions for our life. When we have the wisdom of God it helps us to see and evaluates every thing from God's point of view and His words, this is one of the greatest treasure in life. Solomon was granted wisdom and knowledge yet, this did not guarantee that he will persevere in faithfulness to God. This is why God had to admonish him to be careful to walk in His ways and to keep His commands, so let us be encourage today to walk in the way of God and keep His commandments, be faithful unto Him, acknowledging Him in every way and He will direct our path.

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