Thursday, August 7, 2014


God's Wisdom

Solomon could have had any thing, but instead he asked for wisdom to rule the nation, so God approved of the way Solomon ordered his priorities. So God gave Solomon the wisdom he asked for. God, then further blessed Him with riches, wealth and honor. Jesus also spoke about priorities, He said that when we put God first, then and only then every thing that we really need will fall into place, but it is only God knows what is best for us.

Mathew 6:3) This does not guaranty that we will be wealthy and famous like Solomon, it just simply means that when we wisely put God first, the wisdom He gave us will enable usto live a rich and rewarding life! 
Proverbs4:7; Says, wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and in all our getting we must also get understanding. It is essential for us to have the wisdom of God, In order for us to live a meaningful and godly life. therefore, above every thing else we must seek the wisdom of God. God always give good gifts to His children, He offered to give Solomon what ever he ask, we too must ask good things of Him. For His desire is to give us the necessary provisions for our life. When we have the wisdom of God it helps us to see and evaluates every thing from God's point of view and His words, this is one of the greatest treasure in life. Solomon was granted wisdom and knowledge yet, this did not guarantee that he will persevere in faithfulness to God. This is why God had to admonish him to be careful to walk in His ways and to keep His commands, so let us be encourage today to walk in the way of God and keep His commandments, be faithful unto Him, acknowledging Him in every way and He will direct our path.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Jesus is coming soon, can you hear Him?

Jesus is coming soon can't you hear Him? He's calling you to repentance, He is saying my child give me your heart and I will give you a kingdom.

Matthew 6:33   

 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

How much does God love me?

John3:16; For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
This is how much God loves you, He gave His only son and this is why, so that when He comes you and I would not be destroyed in hell fire. By believing in Jesus Christ you and I will have a whole and lasting life. God did not go through all this trouble of  sending His son merely to point an accusing finger- He did not come to tell us how bad we are, He came so He can put us back together again.

Trust God!

Why don't you trust God today; Jesus wants you to give Him your heart come unto Him just as you are  he's waiting with open arms, waiting to welcome you home Jesus is asking you to give him your heart and he will give you a kingdom. He said I am the way, the truth, and the life
no one cometh unto father except through me. look around you there are so much violence kids killing kids and even parents, raping, stealing you name it, its there.But this is not what God wants for our life it is the trick of the devil. I want to invite you my friends to let go and let God. Give Him your life today, today is the acceptable time not tomorrow, He wants it all today all of you.

Christ wants you to come just as you are there is no price for you to pay Jesus already paid the price. Give Him your heart today and He will do the rest if you give Him a chance, ask yourself this question, without Jesus in my life where would I spend eternity?

Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Mathew11:28;

If you have read this and you do not yet invite Jesus into your heart will you pray this prayer with me.
Dear Jesus;
I know I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness.I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Please guide my life and help me to do Thy will
In Your precious name, Amen!!

Did you pray this prayer?
If you did , I encourage you to find a bible reading church to attend.
Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).

Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Yearning For God

Psalm 42----Yearning For God

As water is essential to our physical well being,
So is the word of God essential to our spiritual well being.


Depression is one of the most common emotional ailments, but, we know that we have a cure for depression and that's the recorded word of God's goodness to His people. this will take our minds off our present situation and give us hope that it will improve. It would focus our thoughts on the ability of God to help us rather than in our own ability to help our-self. Today if you are depressed, take advantage on this psalm's antidepressant. Read the bible's account of God's goodness and meditate on them.

Panting After The Water Brook 

Water is very essential for our physical life, In the same sense the words of God and His presence are essential for the very satisfaction and wholeness of our life.As believing children of God, we are suppose to huger and thirst after God and His grace, His blessings and His supernatural activity in our life.Once we stop thirsting for God we would die spiritually, so we should not allow any thing to come between us and our desire and the things of God.We must be careful for the cares of life, and for the things of this world or the pursuit of earthly things,we should not allow the pleasures of the world to choke out our hunger and thirsts for God and His righteousness or the desire to seek His face in prayer. We must continue to pray and long for the power and the presence of God to strengthen us , and our love for a fuller manifestation of God's holy spirit becoming greater in us. 

 Let Thy Kingdom come!

 Let us have that passion to see the fullness of Christ's kingdom and righteousness deepens in us,so we may be able to cry out to Him day and night in heartfelt thirst even as the dear searches for the water brooks in the time of drought, so that we may have this spiritual stream welling up inside of us.When we thirst for God and long for a greater manifestation of His presence,we may still experience some delays yet, if we are true and faithful,we will continue to thirst and seek after God .God  promises that if we hunger and thirst after His kingdom and His righteousness, and do not settle for less than His blessings, he will surely bless us.

In the midst of God silence we must continue to press on to know God, so that one day we will be able to experience a greater measure of His holy spirit presence in our life. We cannot become dispair, so we must put our hope in Him,trusting always in His steadfast love.

 Glory Be To God: Taken from Psalm42

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Blessing Pray

A Marriage blessing

Our Father and our God, we thank you for implanting Your divine love in our hearts.
May this love inspire us always to be kind in our words to each other,
May it help us to be considerate of each others feelings
And to be concern to each others needs and wishes.
Teach us to be understanding and forgiving of humans  weaknesses and failings;
Increase our faith and trust in you and may Your prudence guide our life and the love You have impart in us.
Bless our marriage, oh God, with Your peace and happiness
and make our love fruitful for Your glory and our joy both here and in eternity.
A man's greatest treasure is his wife
she is a gift from the Lord
Proverbs 18:22

Show your love by leaving beautiful notes for your love
Love notes for him and her


Friday, February 1, 2013

The Power Of Praise!

Let the whole creation praise the Lord. (Psalm 148:5)

What part of creation praise God? Every thing, the whole heaven and earth praise God.

What are some things on earth give praise to God? Rivers, trees flowers, animals seas etc.

What are some other things in creation praise God? The moon and stars, sun, rain, snow,wind and hale.

How does creation praise God? in all essence some of creation do not have a voice like we do to be heard, yet, the bible says, their voice goes out through all the earth.

Psalm 96:12 fields being jubilant and trees singing.
Psalm 98:8  Rivers clapping their hands and mountains sing, (V7) the seas resound with praise.
Why does creation praise God? In the book of Psalm we can find reasons why all created beings must praise God.

God made us and them, creation is a master piece of amazing designs, artistic beauty, majestic power and intricate complexity and that is why God creation have to be a major source of praise.

God provide for them and us: It is God's desire that all created things and beings should have enough and to receive good things.

God love them and us: (John 3:16

A prayer of Praise
Praise be to You oh Lord,the God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.
Yours oh Lord is the greatness and the power and the glory,the majesty and the splendor;
for every thing in heaven and earth is yours.

Yours oh Lord is the kingdom, You are exalted as head over all
wealth and hone comes from You, You are the ruler of all things.
In You hands are strength and power, to exalt and give strength to all
now our God we give you thanks, and praise Your glorious name.

May God be exalted

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Man Has~~~~~ God Say's

     MAN HAS
Dissatisfaction in the past

                 Distaste for the present

                                     Distrust for the future

                                              Ingratitude for the blessings of yesterday

                           Indifference to  the opportunities of today

                                         Insecurities regarding the strength of tomorrow

                                                    Unawareness of the presence of beauty
                                                           Unconcern for the needs of our fellow men

                                        Unbelief in the promises of God

Impatience with time

            Immaturity in thought

Impoliteness to God



                                    Forgetting those things  which are behind
                                               reaching forward to those things which are ahead
                                                                               Phillipians 3:13

                                   Give thanks always for all things to God.          
                                                                     Ephesians 5:20

                                      Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not
                             on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

               Forget not all His benefits. Psalm 103:2

              This is the day that the Lord has made, you will
       will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

      When I consider Your heavens,the work of Your
      fingers,the moon and the stars which You have 
                                               ordained. Psalm 8:3

      Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow
     will worry about it own things. Mathew 6:33

    He who has mercy on the poor happy is he
                                                Proverbs 14:21

                      He who promises is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

                               To every thing there is a season, a time for
                                   every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

                             When I was a child I think as a child, but 
                             when I became a man I put away childish
                                                        things. 1Corinthians 13:11

                              Where were you when I laid the foundation
                                                             of the earth. Job 38:4

As we rest in God we become restored, renewed and revitalized but, it is impossible to rest in God unless we believe He will come through for us.We can only have that certainty only by true intimacy with Him.We must first commit our way to the Lord, we must trust also in Him and he shall bring it to past. Psalm 37:5

Dear God:
Thank for reminding us that you've have it all under control, help us to trust You more in the future than we have in the past. Help us to remember the price You paid, not only for our freedom but also for our victory and authority on this earth. Help us to stop comparing ourselves with others by remembering that You made us exactly the way You wanted us to be, no mistakes please forgive us for allowing ourselves to become discourage by our circumstances and help us to always remember those things You've done for us in the past and are still doing today. You are so faithful. Please lead us in the way we should go, open those doors that You want us to walk through and close those doors that does not lead to Your will for our life. Help us to remain positive in a negative world and to encourage ourselves when others don't. Thank You for You patience, thank You for Your love, In Jesus' name, Amen!

Love for us is very real give Him your heart today!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Best Interest- My Shepherd

Why is God My Best Interest?

He is my Shepherd 
And He promise to fulfill all our needs according to His riches in glory!
 He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength, He guides me along right paths bringing honor to His name. (Psalm 23:2-3)
Best Interest.. 
When we allow God who is the Shepherd of our life to guide us, we have contentment. But if we choose to have sin in our life, therefore, we are choosing to go our own way and so we cannot put the blame on God for our own doing and the environment in which we find ourselves.Because our Shepherd knows the green meadows and peaceful streams that will renew us.Only by following Him in total obedience we will be able to reach those places.So when we rebel against the Shepherd's leading is rebelling against our own best interest for our future.We must remember this the next time we are tempted to go our own way, rather than the way of the Shepherd.

 Father I prayer That we your people will see you as our best interest, Help us Lord to see You as our Shepherd,and in You we have every thing we need.We thank You Lord for leading us through green meadows and peaceful streams,we thank you for renewing our strength, guiding us in the right path and bringing honor to Your Holy name. Forgive for all our short comings and for straying from the path that You has set before us. help us to keep our eyes and heart upon You from where our help comes. In Jesus name Amen!!
May the peace and the blessing of God be with you always! 
Mind, Body, Spirit
Hugs & Kisses