Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Yearning For God

Psalm 42----Yearning For God

As water is essential to our physical well being,
So is the word of God essential to our spiritual well being.


Depression is one of the most common emotional ailments, but, we know that we have a cure for depression and that's the recorded word of God's goodness to His people. this will take our minds off our present situation and give us hope that it will improve. It would focus our thoughts on the ability of God to help us rather than in our own ability to help our-self. Today if you are depressed, take advantage on this psalm's antidepressant. Read the bible's account of God's goodness and meditate on them.

Panting After The Water Brook 

Water is very essential for our physical life, In the same sense the words of God and His presence are essential for the very satisfaction and wholeness of our life.As believing children of God, we are suppose to huger and thirst after God and His grace, His blessings and His supernatural activity in our life.Once we stop thirsting for God we would die spiritually, so we should not allow any thing to come between us and our desire and the things of God.We must be careful for the cares of life, and for the things of this world or the pursuit of earthly things,we should not allow the pleasures of the world to choke out our hunger and thirsts for God and His righteousness or the desire to seek His face in prayer. We must continue to pray and long for the power and the presence of God to strengthen us , and our love for a fuller manifestation of God's holy spirit becoming greater in us. 

 Let Thy Kingdom come!

 Let us have that passion to see the fullness of Christ's kingdom and righteousness deepens in us,so we may be able to cry out to Him day and night in heartfelt thirst even as the dear searches for the water brooks in the time of drought, so that we may have this spiritual stream welling up inside of us.When we thirst for God and long for a greater manifestation of His presence,we may still experience some delays yet, if we are true and faithful,we will continue to thirst and seek after God .God  promises that if we hunger and thirst after His kingdom and His righteousness, and do not settle for less than His blessings, he will surely bless us.

In the midst of God silence we must continue to press on to know God, so that one day we will be able to experience a greater measure of His holy spirit presence in our life. We cannot become dispair, so we must put our hope in Him,trusting always in His steadfast love.

 Glory Be To God: Taken from Psalm42