Wednesday, December 5, 2012

God Can Restore

In (Hosea 14), God call Israel to return to Him in spite of their sins. He wanted them to bring there petitions to Him, to forgive their sins and to graciously receive them so that they will be able to offer to God their sacrifice of praise. (Verses 3-9), says; Assyria cannot save us, nor can our strength in battle. Never again will we called the idols we have made our gods. No, in You alone do the orphans find mercy. The Lord says. " then I will heal you of your idolatry and faithlessness, and my love will know no bounds, for my anger will be gone for ever!
I will be to Israel like a refreshing dew from heaven.It will blossom like the lily; it will send roots deep into the soil like the cedars in Lebanon. Its branches will spread out like those of beautiful olive trees,as fragrant as the cedar forests of Lebanon. My people will return again to the safety of their land. They will florist like grains and blossom like grapevines. They will be as fragrant as the wine of Lebanon.
"Oh Israel,  stay away from idols! I am the one who looks after you and cares for you. I am like a tree that is always green, giving my fruit to you all through the year."
Let those who are wise understand these things.Let those who are discerning listen carefully. The paths of the Lord are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them. but sinners stumble and fall along the way.

The people could return to God by asking Him  to take away their sins, the same is true for us today: We can prayer the prayer of Hosea and know our sins are forgiven because Christ pay the penalty for them on the cross.(John 3:16). Forgiveness begins we we can see the destructiveness of our sins and the futility of life with God. then we will be able to admit that we cannot save ourselves; and our only hope is in the mercy of a loving God. though we do not deserve forgiveness and therefore cannot demand it, we can and must appeal for God's love and His mercy. And we can be confident we will receive His forgiveness because He is gracious and loving and want to restore us to himself, just as He wanted to restore Israel.

Never Failing....
When our will is weak, when our reason is confused, when our conscience is burdened with a load of guilt, we must remember that God promises forgiveness and boundless love. When friends and family desert us, when we are tired of being good, God's love knows no bounds.When we can't see the way or hear God's voice, when we lack courage to go on, when our short comings or an awareness of our sins overwhelms us, God's love knows no bounds.Regardless of how things seems are even how we may feel, we have to rely on the truth of God: for His love knows no bounds.
All we need to do is to give in to the voice of God, let go and let Him have His way with us.
Experience God

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Obedience to God

Do not forget God; "Be careful to obey all the commands I am giving you today.Then you will live and multiply, and you will enter and occupy the land the Lord swore to give your ancestors." (Deuteronomy 8:1)
{Deuteronomy 8: 1} Tells us to obey God's commands. We do this by obeying God with.....

  1. Our heart; By loving Him more than any relationship.activity,achievement or possession.
  2. Our will; By committing ourselves completely to Him.
  3. Our Mind; By seeking to know Him and His words.So His principles and values from the foundation of all we think and do.
  4. Our Body; By recognizing that our strength, talents and sexuality are given to us by God to be used for pleasures and fulfillment according to His rules, not ours.
  5. Our finances; By deciding that all of the resources we have ultimately comes from God, and that we are to be managers of them and not owners.
  6. Our future;By deciding to make service to God and people the main purpose of our life work.
Our obedience to God is essential to our soul salvation, we must stay connected to God through His words. Through studying,meditating, commitment,love and faithfulness. The only way we are truly living is to allow God to be in full control of our every circumstances

Our prayer:
Father today I ask that you take over my life, Help me Lord to trulu surrender my life to you infull obedience,
Lord ere I am, please take my heart, my will,my mind, my body,my finances and my future. All that You have given me Lord I give back to You. Lord I am willing to follow your commandments give me strength Lord to be obedient to your will , in Jesus name , Amen!!